Compression of asbestos-free gaskets and calculation formulas | Hongwo Sealing Gasket

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Compression of asbestos-free gaskets and calculation formulas

Asbestos-free gaskets compress 5-15%. The specific compression depends on pressure, temperature, density, and thickness. Compression is the percentage reduction in a gasket’s thickness under compression. Asbestos-free gasket compression depends on density, pressure, and temperature. Generally speaking, the lower the compression rate, the better the sealing performance.

Influencing factors

The greater the pressure that subjects the gasket, the more it will compress.

Temperature: Changes in working temperature will affect the gasket. This will influence its compression.

Density and thickness: Both affect the gasket’s compression. Gaskets with higher density and greater thickness usually have less compression.

Calculation method

To calculate the compressibility and resilience of non-asbestos gaskets, use this formula:

Among them, (hi) is the original gasket thickness. (he) is the thickness after compression. (hd) is the thickness after compression and rebound.

Selection of the appropriate compression amount.

The compression amount for asbestos-free gaskets must suit the application. The compression rate needs to be a bit more than the space between the gasket and the flange surface. To ensure the effect, select a good compression rate. It must keep the sealing performance stable.

Influence of production process parameters

The pH of the pulp, sizing temp, and drying temp affect asbestos-free gaskets. For example, when the pulp’s pH is below 9, a higher pH lowers the compression rate. But it boosts the tensile strength. At a sizing temperature of 35℃, the fibers bond. The adhesive filler is ideal, and performance is best. A higher drying temperature will reduce the gasket’s compression rate. It will increase its tensile strength and aging coefficient.



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