Pressure Ratings of Graphite Wound Gaskets | Hongwo Sealing Gasket

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Pressure Ratings of Graphite Wound Gaskets

Graphite wound gaskets are popular sealing materials. They base their pressure ratings on specific applications and requirements. The following are some common pressure ratings of graphite wound gaskets:

1. Low-pressure graphite wound gaskets seal low-pressure pipelines and equipment. Their pressure ratings are usually below 1.0 MPa.

2. Medium-pressure graphite wound gaskets seal medium-pressure pipelines and equipment. They usually handle pressures from 1.0 MPa to 10.0 MPa.

3. High-pressure graphite wound gaskets seal high-pressure pipelines and equipment. Their pressure ratings are typically 10.0 to 32.0 MPa.

4. Ultra-high-pressure graphite wound gaskets seal ultra-high-pressure pipelines and equipment. Their pressure ratings are above 32.0 MPa.

Graphite wound gaskets may have different pressure ratings. This is due to variations in material, size, and thickness. When you choose graphite wound gaskets, select the right pressure rating and material. This ensures the seal’s reliability and safety for your application.

Graphite Wound Gaskets

Graphite Wound Gaskets



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