Storage requirements for asbestos-free rubber sheets and gaskets | Hongwo Sealing Gasket

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Storage requirements for asbestos-free rubber sheets and gaskets

1. Store asbestos-free rubber sheets and gaskets in a cool, dry place. Keep the temperature between -10℃ and 25℃. Make sure the humidity stays below 70%. Also, protect them from rain and moisture. Keep them out of direct sunlight. Also, stay at least 1.5 meters from heat sources and electrical equipment. Make sure they are at least 10 cm away from the ground and walls. Keep them at a balanced moisture level.

2. The storage validity period is twenty-four months from the date of manufacture. Inspect it before use after this period.

3. Classify them by specification. Place them flat and in an orderly manner. Avoid stretching, compressing, or deforming them.



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